Sibuyas at Bawang

A Malay story orally handed from generation to generation the story has been corrupted and the original tale forgotten, this is the story of two sisters

Long ago there were two beautiful sisters who came from Visayas with their father to Lusung, Their names were Si Bawang and Si Mera Buyas. Their father was a fisher man and so they settled in the banks of Pasig where they could catch fish. Si Bawang was beautiful, with brown skin and very dark hair and she was also kind and hard working who helped her father fish and do hard labor while Si Si Mera Buyas was had the opposite beauty she was fair skinned and had copper hair, some even say it was gold. Si Mera Buyas was proud of her beauty and did not go out side nor do work, she spends her days indoors combing her beautiful hair.
Si Bawang and Si Mera Buyas even though their complete opposites loved each other and they loved their father. One day  while Bawang and her father was out fishing vicious warriors from the south with tattoos all over their body raided the banks of the Pasig and their father sacrificed himself got caught so that Bawang could escape, the two sisters never saw their father again and they thought surely he was sold to slavery. This saddened the sister. Si Bawang continued working fishing for their food and Si Mera Buyas now did the house choirs but she would always cry.
One day Si Bawang encountered an old lady from the south she recognized the dialect same as the vicious warriors, the old lady told her that she had traveled so far asked her if she could spare food
without hesitation Si Bawang gave her water from her bamboo canteen and rice and salted fish and they ate together. Surprisingly Si Mera Buyas came to the river banks crying (as always) with a basket of food for her sister, She saw her sister with the old lady. When Si Mera Buyas realized that the old lady was a southerner priestess she angrily wept  and threw the basket in the old lady's face saying that all the people of the south should be enslaved. Si Bawang said sorry to the old lady and told her that her sister did not mean what she said. The old lady told Si Bawang she was not only beautiful and strong on the outside but also on the inside and that she understood that her sister was beautiful as she was delicate. that one day the old lady would repay her good deed.

The sisters continued their lives Si Bawang fishing for their food and her sister doing the house choirs\ and crying all the time as she did it. Si Mera Buyas had so many suitors but she ignored them for she did not want to leave her sister alone and she new that her sister two still hoped their father would return.

Their father returned one day as a slave of the Lakan-Bata (prince)
The sisters asked the Lakan-bata to release their father for he is old and was not originally a slave.
the Lakan-bata agreed to set their father free but in the condition that Si Mera Buyas becomes his wife. The two sisters were reluctant and as always Si Mera Buyas cried and agrees. Their father was now freed but their father was gravely ill. The sisters and their father now lived in the Palace of the Lakan-bata and were covered in gold from head to toe but the sisters were still sad because their father was still sick. The royal physicians could do nothing to about their fathers sickness and told the sister that this must be the work of dark forces and magic and beyond their skills. Again Si Mera Buyas wept and Si Bawang could only be strong for the both of them. Then Si Merah Buyas remembered the southerner, the old lady who was a priestess from the south and ordered their soldiers to capture her. The old lady was brought to the palace and was laid at the feet of Si Merah Buyas she ordered the old lady to heal his father. the old woman refused (why would she held someone who beat and dragged her) Si Merah Buyas cried angrily and ordered the soldiers to imprison the hag.
Bawang who was unaware of what had happened saw the lady in bamboo cage in the courtyard and asked her what happened. The old lady told Si Bawang everything, the girl apologized and released then old lady she also asked forgiveness in behave of her sister.

Si Mera Buyas was crying alone in the royal court when the old lady appeared in front of her and gave her a bag of seed to cure her father. Si Mera Buyas cried still thinking surely the old lady wants revenge. Si Bawang entered the court Si Mera Buyas hid the seeds in her long copper-gold hair. The old lady suddenly disappeared  and instead a goddess appread. She punished Si Mera Buyas the fair skin girl found herself she sitting at the bottom of the lake and mermaids combs her hair. As they combs a seed out, another comes in, and every seed that is combed out becomes a green plant that floats out of the lake and down the Pasig. As for Si Bawang the goddess told her that she will take her to the sky to " Kaluwalhatian"with the gods and the ancestors where she would eternally be happy
But Si Bawang refused she asked only that her father be healed and her sister forgiven, the goddess was touched by her kindness that even though Si Bawang Skin was darkened from the sun her inner beauty remained white. For SI Bawang's sake the goddess she forgave the crybaby Si Mera Buyas and restored their fathers health. The sister and their father were now truly happy. Si Mera Buyas lived with her sister she was now Lakan-bini a princess and her sister Si Bawang became a Maharlikah an elite warrior. They lived a long and happy life and when they died the place where they were buried grew plants that taste so good when cooked together the SiBuyas and Bawang

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