The legend of the Fireflies

The legend of the fireflies (according to the tagalogs)
Alamat ng Alitap-tap

Long ago in centraLuzon was a community called Pinak. In Pinak was a deep large lake that was bountiful with fish. The people of Pinak were contented and was blessed with rich cultivated lands.
Then one day the water dried up, the lands grew barren and everywhere there was starvation. The people prayed to Bathala to send them rain.
Every night the hungry community gathered an prayed togther
until one starless night Bathala answered  their prayers, from the dark sky a golden boat descended. The people grew into a panic until a booming voice that was also soothing said. "I am Bulan-Hari, I have come with my wife Bitu-in were have come from the heavens to rule Pinak, we will give you a good life" He was pale like the moon with long dark hair and beautiful features, and so was his wife Bituin who was as lovely as the stars. Then it rained. The people accepted the couple from heaven for they have brought with them the rains, and soon the lands and waters were bountiful with harvest and catch.
The people were contented and happy under Bulan-Hari's reign.
The couple ruled and lived with the people and soon they had a daughter whose forehead was bright as a star, they named her Alitap-tap. She grew up beautiful, her skin as white as carabao's milk, her hair as black as the starless night.
She was worshipped for her beauty, all the young men of Pinak piled out her window singing her songs, they all sought to win her heart.
But she might as well be made of stone, for she was cold and hard as the star on her forehead.
One day a "Katalo" from the mountain prostrate herself to the ruler and said that she foresaw the future of Pinak, that the warriors of Laut would come and counquer their lands. the only solution would be to marry Alitap-tap to the ruler of the Laut warriors or that she would marry a man and produce and heir which would defeated the warriors of Laut.
Bulan-hari went to her daughters quarters, he pleaded with her daugther, But the moon king might as well have asked a favor from a stone, for his daughter merely stood in silence and looked at him.
Bulan-hari explained and pleaded and told  Alitap-tap that their people would be slaughtered, their palace and the village would be plundered and burned.
She did not care. This angered her father.
This time his request turned into a command "Alitap-tap if you do not obey me or you will lay dead right now!" Still his lovely daughter did not care.
Bulan-hari struck his daughter in the forehead, the iron clashed with the star on her forehead and the star burst! then there was darkness everywhere until  thousands little pieces of little stars seemed to dance and flicker in the great hall as Alitap-tap, the lovely daughter from the heavens lay dead.
Soon the warriors of La-ut came, they ruined the crops, poisoned the lake, killed the people and burned the palace and the village. When it ended the beautiful valley of Pinak turned into a empty swamp.
The night came and there was nothing but darkness, but soon thousand of tiny lights glittered and flew. They were the fragments from the star on forehead of Bulan-hair's daughter, the beautiful Alitap-tap

The legend of firefly (central Visayas)

The god of death Sidapa long admired the moons. Every night he would look at them and admire their beauty. So he asked the mermaids and birds to sing songs of adoration to them. The comely Bulan heard the songs but he did not know how to get to Sidapa for he was naive as he was lovely. So instead of the mountain abode of the god of death Bulan the boy moon descended into the waters.
The next night the same thing happened the mermaids sang songs of adoration and pursuit and once again the boy moon descended into the waters.
The god of death angered that the boy moon did not reach his domain thought of a plan. The next night he catches starlight with his hand and them he gave them to the insects near by. He commanded them in an angry voice to light the way so that the moon would find his way to him. The insects defecate in fear but nevertheless obeyed the god of death. So thousands and thousands of tiny light glittered and guided the boy moon down to were Sidapa waited.
The god of death never took back the light from the insects it was a token of his appreciation for their help ..the Aliput-put

The legend of fireflies ( Western Visayas) 

Once in the past, on the enchanting Panay Island, a prosperous datu named Bulahon secured the heart of his true love, a princess from the Sulu Sea. To celebrate their union, the entire town and various divine beings, including Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan, Bai Suga the light fairy, and Lubay Lubyok Mahanginun si Mahuyokhuyokan, gathered for a grand wedding feast.

The festivities lasted for a joyous week, with wine flowing generously and the atmosphere brimming with merriment. As the celebration reached its peak, the intoxicated datu proposed a friendly competition among the three divine entities to determine the fairest of them all.

Bai Suga, a rather vain fairy, couldn't bear the thought of losing. Recognizing her formidable competition in the radiant Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan, she schemed to divert attention from the golden goddess. Bai Suga cunningly complimented the inebriated deity, securing a favor and subtly influencing the competition's location.

Craftily, the fairy convinced the datu to stage the contest in a pitch-dark cave at midnight, allowing her to showcase her illuminating dance while masking the golden goddess's brilliance. Lubay Lubyok Mahanginun si Mahuyokhuyokan captivated the audience with sweet-scented night air, and Bai Suga followed, dazzling with her radiant dance.

When Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan entered the dark cave, she realized the deceit as her golden glow remained unnoticed in the extreme darkness. Despite her humiliation, she kept silent until the datu conceded victory to Bai Suga. Enraged, the goddess exposed the fairy's trickery, stripping her naked in front of everyone.

As Bai Suga begged for forgiveness, Burigadang Pada Sinaklang Bulawan showed no mercy. The furious goddess relentlessly kicked and stomped the fairy until she shrank to the size of a pea. Bai Suga's screams ceased, replaced by the sight of a small glowing bug, known thereafter as "iput-iput," owing to its light at the end, reminiscent of droppings. The people, now silent witnesses, followed the glowing bug to the cave's exit, understanding that the goddess had transformed the deceitful fairy into this humble insect.

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